What type of block do you have? Take this Quiz to find out (coming soon)

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Revealing Unconscious Truths to Release New Potential in your Life father wound growth mother wound remothering shadow aspect unconscious mind unconscious self unconscious truth wholeness May 03, 2023

In my upcoming talk “Revealing unconscious truths to release new potential in your life” for the Remothering Masterclass 2023 we discuss the importance of bringing self-awareness to what is not known to you (unconscious).


What are Unconscious Truths?

Unconscious truths are...

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A powerful story of incredible growth and success: the parable of the Chinese Bamboo Tree growth Mar 10, 2020

This is one of my favourite parables, and one of the biggest learnings that stuck with me on my own personal growth journey and I’d like to share it with you.  It’s an evocative lesson in faith, perseverance, patience, development, surrender and human potential.


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