Is the Perspective Program for you? 

The Perspective Program is for you if you have a good life but there's always a gap between what you think it should feel like and what is actually is.  You find you are never sustaining happy and satisfied feelings, and it doesn't take much to drop you into low mood.

Your subconscious mind forms your perspective on your whole life. If your perspective is wired to believe negative cognitions and self-beliefs like 'I am not good enough', 'I don't deserve happiness' or your self-concept doesn't allow you to self-love, self-trust or value yourself, then you will always feel like you are waiting for the seemingly inevitable demise.


This is often an emotional programming issue, you might have outdated subconscious cognitions that bounce you back to a familiar emotional norm just like a thermostat

The good news is you can reset your emotional thermostat by shifting limiting beliefs about yourself and what is available to you in life.

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"I feel so calm and just like everything has been sorted. I'm sleeping better which is a godsend, but I'm just so, so fixed!!! I have been taking more time for me, lots of self-care and I so needed it, but I now realise that it is ok to do that.  

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I finally feel alive again ."

Zoe Wynn, UK

Common perspective issues

Here are some of the most common ways that perspective issues show up - if your particular issue isn't detailed here, get in touch.

Heart locket

Patterns repeating

The subconscious is hard-wired to attract familiar people and situations - it always prefers the known.

drowning man reaching up

Negative thinking

Negativity can be a habit.  It can also be inherited if we were exposed to certain negative outlooks as a child.

Hiding under blankets


Sometimes we get stuck in loops of old thought patterns, almost like a habit.

Sad eyes

I'm not xxx enough

You have an old limiting belief in place which has programmed you to believe - you are not deserving.

You are enough

Something's wrong

A drive to unconsciously sabotage your life as you believe something is wrong with you.

Bad habits

Not available to me

Some time in your past you came to the conclusion that what you want can't be yours..

"I would recommend RTT as this is a therapy which can quickly go to the root of a problem and help you to bring up the memories that have caused the problem /issue.

I cannot stress enough.. it is truly a moment of awakening and even before you get to the transformational part of the session you are already feeling enlightened through changing of the meaning of things that have happened to you.."

Stephanie Lister


Book in my diary now!

A free enquiry call to ask any questions you have and find out more...

"I came away from my session with Kate feeling so much more positive and in control of my future choices..

..the memories brought forward and the reasons why they are still influencing my thought processes and my actions was mind blowing. It brought out a lot of emotion.
I feel so much less anxious now."

Sue Comery