Is the RESISTANCE Program for you?

This Program is for you if you have an area of your life with active resistance.  

You are trying to change, grow or move forward in an area of your life but it feels like you are moving 1 step forward and 4 steps back.

This is usually because your conscious mind (what you choose) and your subconscious mind (unthinking patterned behaviour and habits) are literally pulling in two different directions

Your subconscious mind is much more powerful than your conscious mind, it will win the tug of war every time.  

You have to get all of your mind to pull in the same direction.

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"I am such an entrepreneur at heart, but something was blocking my moving forward with my own business.  The physical release in the session was so incredible in finally eradicating theses limiting beliefs.  I have recently launched 2 thriving businesses and am loving being an entrepreneur. Thank you for the freedom and joy you have enabled in my life.  I shall be forever grateful to you."

Lauren, South Africa

Common resistance signs

Here are some of the most common ways that resistance energy shows up - if your particular issue isn't detailed here, get in touch.

Heart locket


Some may think that this is a positive trait but actually it is rooted in fear and holds us back from growth.

drowning man reaching up


When we really need clarity between what we feel we have to do and what we actually want to do..

Bad habits


The subconscious kicks in to distract and delay us from something we have a hidden block to.

Sad eyes


Usually rooted in past experiences, we can rewire the subconscious to help us move confidently forward.

You are enough


You are driven to sabotage your efforts with unconscious behaviour, usually because of old hidden fears.

Hiding under blankets

Upper Limits

Our belief system creates blocks to hold us back from what it may believe is unsafe or unavailable.

"I had the strength to walk away from something I no longer wanted, which was a big deal. I’ve had confidence to go for new experiences and to change some paths.
Along the way I have met some incredible people, possibly because I now have a changed mind set

Ruth F


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A free enquiry call to ask any questions you have and find out more...

            "I was a singer experiencing a crisis of confidence that had very real effects on my voice. I was pushing or holding back on high notes, and going into performances expecting to fail..

            ..I had two singing bookings within a few days of the RTT session, so it was really important that it worked. I went into both performances with a sense that all would go well, and it did!  In fact, my voice was freer and more natural than it has ever been.

            A tremendous relief. I am also excited about what’s now possible for the first time in ages."

            T. Saunders, London