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Book Call

Gathering Power to Make Desired Changes in your Life

patterns and habits personal power purpose unconscious mind Jul 14, 2023


Following a deeply visceral reclaiming of power for a client—an experience we explored in today’s follow-up coaching session—I felt it would be valuable to articulate this profound shift that occurs through careful exploration in Transformational Hypnotherapy.

I jumped back on Zoom to record this short snippet for you, aiming to explain—at least in a way our rational, conscious minds can grasp—what takes place during integration and transformation. Though this process unfolds on an energetic and unconscious level, beyond our immediate awareness, it is nonetheless very real.

It is an intangible yet powerful transfer of energy and life force—from the shadowy, historical, and fearful parts of ourselves to the aware, present, and purposeful aspects of our psyche.

Having explored countless change modalities over the years, I’ve found none that shift energy into a usable, conscious space as quickly as Transformational Hypnotherapy—making it my tool of choice. In particular, the way I apply RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy) goes beyond simply helping you get unstuck; it uncovers the thread of your own personal power, allowing you to reconnect with it fully.

This reconnection is consciously reinforced in our essential follow-up coaching sessions.

I hope this video helps clarify the process—though I acknowledge that describing something so deeply unconscious and energetic in nature can be challenging. If you’d like to learn more, feel free to reach out.




So, I've just come off a coaching call, and I often feel inspired to make videos after coaching sessions because what comes up is often quite universal, and I feel it could help others.

One of the things that came up in today’s call—and as I was talking about it, I thought, I need to share this more widely—was how our willpower becomes more powerful when something that was unconscious to us becomes conscious.

That’s exactly what we do in hypnotherapy. When we’re using investigative hypnotherapy—rather than traditional hypnotherapy, which focuses more on what the hypnotherapist thinks you should be doing and the power of suggestion—what I do is different. It’s not traditional in the sense that I’m not going to decide where you should be or create a hypnotic script to suggest where you should go.

Instead, it’s all based on you. It’s about observing your story, uncovering the narrative that has shaped your life, and investigating the personal meanings and beliefs that have been running the show. Then, we gather the common thread that has always been present—the part of you that has been trying to take you in a new direction.

From there, we use the power of suggestion—not in a generic way, but using your own words. We take you where youwant to go by drawing on these purpose-led parts of you that have always been present. We gather the information from those parts and use it to move you forward towards your potential.

So, in investigative hypnotherapy, what we’re actually doing is bringing into awareness what has been unconscious to you—what has been unknown. If you’re unsure about the difference between unconscious, subconscious, and conscious, a good way to think about it is by replacing “conscious” with “awareness.”

If something is sub-awareness, it’s just beneath the surface—you have a vague sense of it but aren’t fully aware. If something is unconscious, you have no awareness of it at all—it’s running in the background, out of sight, like a hidden puppet master pulling the strings.

But when we shine a light into those shadows, when we bring those unconscious parts into awareness, they are no longer outside of our control. You now have choice over them. You are no longer being controlled—you become the one pulling the strings.

Where Willpower Comes In

If we’re struggling to make changes in our lives—despite trying every strategy, listening to all the podcasts, reading all the books, doing the courses and workshops—we often feel like we’re pushing against something much stronger than us.

That’s because if there are unconscious patterns pulling us in a certain direction, they will always have more power than our conscious willpower—until we bring them into awareness. When we use hypnosis to uncover what is pulling us, those forces lose their grip. They can no longer operate in the background, unseen.

It’s like The Wizard of Oz—once we pull back the curtain, we see that the terrifying presence controlling everything isn’t so powerful after all. We begin to understand why certain behaviours have existed, what they’ve been trying to achieve for us, and why they’ve been so persistent.

But here’s what’s really interesting: we’re not just removing blocks. We’re reclaiming the energy that was locked in them. The power that was once feeding old patterns and outdated fears doesn’t just disappear—it becomes available for us to use in the present.

How This Creates Real Change

This is why hypnosis is so powerful. Once we take back that energy, our willpower is no longer fighting an invisible force—we actually have the power to tip the balance. The part of us that wants to change now has more influence than the part of us that was stuck in old patterns.

This came up in today’s session with a client who had been struggling with something for her entire life. She had tried everything—different techniques, short-term fixes—but nothing lasted. She would have temporary wins, but always found herself snapping back into the old pattern.

Through RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy), which is the form of transformational hypnotherapy I use (with my own unique approach), we didn’t just look at removing the block. Instead, we looked for what I call the golden thread—the part of her that knows she is ready for change.

That thread is always there. It’s the part of you that led you to seek help in the first place. It’s the part that knows there’s something more for you.

In the session, what we’re doing—though it’s hard to put into words because it’s an energetic process rather than a rational one—is transferring power. We’re moving the energy from the part that has been stuck in a loop (perhaps since childhood) and redirecting it to the part of you that knows your potential.

The Shift in Awareness

For example, if a part of you has been stuck in a five-year-old state, responding to situations as though you’re still five years old, it’s holding onto fears, seeking safety, and running old patterns. But when we update that part—when it realises it’s not five anymore, that life is different now, that it has power—the energy that was locked in the past is released into the present.

That’s when we tip the balance. That’s when you become the one in control of your choices, rather than being pulled by unconscious forces.

Instead of unconscious patterns running the show, your willpower now has the strength to lead.

So, I hope that makes sense! If you have any questions, drop them below, and I’ll be happy to answer them. But I just felt this was really important to share—this is what makes true transformation possible with hypnosis.